Författararkiv: Nina

Nice meeting you!

We meet a lot of people on our trip. Some who also are on a bike trip, some that are doing the same trip as we are, others just biking. Some bikes to raise money for various purposes, others to find somewhere to stay. Some does a weekend trip (love your attitude Jerry and Larry), some have no time limit at all.    
We also meet people not biking, who will stay in my mind for a long time.  I think of Dan in Stevensville (a war veteran who lives in a motel outside of town), the bartender Shannon in Canon City, the waitress in West Roosevelt who served us our first egg & bacon, generous Robert in Wilton, Ron and Maggie who moves across the country with their two children for a job, the waitress in Wisdom who treated us so well when we sweaty and dirty escaped from the mosquitos into her restaurant and of course everybody that stops along the way and offer water when it is hot. And many, many more.

July 2nd – a day of records

The day started with a 10 miles cllimb up to Hoosier
Pass, elevation 11539 ft (3517 möh), the highest point on the Transamerica trail and on our trip.
The day continued with a long distance on the bikes. When we arrived at Canon City the trip meter showed 173 km (107 miles), a new distance record for this trip.
Finally, even the accomodation cost turned out to be a new record (it was worth every dollar). We finished our day in the hotel whirlpool.
Now we have two days rest (that is a record too) in Canon City before we continue towards Pueblo.

Yellowstone national park

If one word should describe Yellowstone it would be BREATHTAKING, becouse of the fantastics views and of the high altitude.
The nature, the wildlife and the other tourists make our four days in the park a memory for life.
We have biked along rivers were people are fishing and bears are walking, along open fields were we have seen hot springs and geysers (and bison), in the woods and over passes in the mountains.



Jackson, Montana

Sitter i baren på Jackson Lodge, musiken är på så hög volym så det är svårt att tänka. På väggarna sitter uppstoppade bisonoxar, älgar och andra djur. Människor spelar biljard, dricker öl, ser på tv och äter middag.
Vi har gjort vårt första riktiga backpass och befinner oss nu i ”the rockies”. Utsikten är fantastisk hela tiden. Tyvärr är här mer mygg än i svenska fjällen så det är svårt att njuta fullt ut.

Sista natten i Oregon

DSCF0349Tillbringar lördagkvällen i ett hett Umatilla. Bor på motel och njuter av luftkonditioneringen.
Trodde inte vi skulle längta efter moln och svalare väder.
Har cyklat längs Columbia River de senaste dagarna. Njutit av utsikten, medvinden, frukostar på ”diners” längs vägen och trevliga människor (good luck on your trip to Iowa. Ivor and Erica).
Även om vi klagar på på väder och backar så har vi det riktigt bra.