Now we have finished our first month of cycling. Looking back it has been fantastic. Yes we have already used a lot of superlatives but it is the truth!
Last state to pass was Wyoming. Started green and hilly in Yellowstone National park and turned, after a couple of days, into a high desert. Warm and somedays with headwind made this part real tuff.
But who are we to complain! In Wyoming we met guys doing something they call Tour Divide. They are cycling from Canada to Mexico following the continental divide, selfsupported and whenever possible, offroad! Incredible!
Anyway, I know that Nina is happy to be out of ”bearcountry”. We did see a bear in Yellowstone and we met people who had seen two cubs playing close to the road just outside the park. If I saw two cubs I would wonder, were is mama bear. Looking at our tour through Yellowstone I think the traffic was the most dangerous wildlife in the park. Outside the park there was a traffic poem that can illustrate how intensive it could be. Signs with approx. 100m between said.
Sign1 We saw wildlife
Sign2 from afar
Sign 3 Then we hit them
Sign 4 with our car
Some sort of traffic sign humor… 🙂
So what about the rest of Wyoming? Well the cykling through the high desert was tuff and turned into a stretch of transportation. One strech was passing through Jeffrey City and before we got there we heard a lot of scary stories. Ghost town and very creapy they said. Well we stopped there at the bar and had a meal. It was alright but I would not like to spend the night there.
It is still amazing to us how generous people are here. We stoppet to look at a historical mark when a man and his family asked where we came from and where we are heading. So we talked a little and just when we where about to leave he gave us his card and offered a place to stay if we by any chance would be in the neighbourhood from where they live.
I must also mention our meeting with Frosty and the two Irish gentlemen Dave and Gerry. Normaly we are not so keen on stopping ing the middle of an uphill but with those guys there was no alternative. Dave and Gerry ar riding for a god cause and Frosty, well I think riding is a good cause it self so. Keep on cycling boys!
In a few day we will put up a new page with links to those we have met that have a homepage or blogg. But for now, have a look under PICS. We are now starting to add som pictures there!